Looking for new entries?

Sorry, I currently have none.  I was blogging somewhere else, but traffic fell off, and in the end I sort of regretted how my content was turning out.  Many weeks were about blogging regrets.  So I’m back here today to remove the link to that blog because it’s gone now.

The me of 13-years-ago wrote, “I’m painfully aware of how boring it is when all I do is discuss what I’ve been playing lately and why it bores me.”  For some reason, I forgot that in the intervening time.  It goes to show that past me was wiser than present me, and that’s not how it’s supposed to work.

Perhaps I’ll blog publicly again in the future.  Perhaps not.  The world has become polarized, everyone is too easy to offend, and I’m not as young and brash as I used to be.  I no longer have the confidence I can do anything on my own.  But the wounds of my recent failures are fresh, and time will tell if I recover.

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